Saturday, April 16, 2011

ODBC Configuration for Connecting Java and MS Access

To connecting java and MS. Access, we need to configure ODBC first.
Steps to configure the ODBC is as follows:

  1. Open the Control Panel> Administrative Tools> Data Sources (ODBC).

  2. On the User DSN tab, click Add, then select the driver Microsoft Access Driver (*. mdb) and click Finish.

  3. Then the display appears ODBC Microsoft Access Setup, fill in the name of the database in the Data Source Name.

  4. Click Select, then choose the database you created and click OK

  5. Klik the Advanced button to create a database login configuration, and then fill in the Login Name and password used to access the database. Then click OK

  6. Click OK in the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup dialog box and the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

From the ODBC DSN configuration, you will get results as follows:
DSN Name: AccessDB
User: Admin
Password: Admin


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